Yes, He is the One
Audio File: 12-15-19YesHeistheOne.m4a (42.17MB)
We all go through moments when we question if we are on the right road. John the Baptist faced a similar situation and wanted to confirm that Jesus really was the answer that he was looking for. Join us as Pastor Ware confirms that yes, He is the one.
Published on Sunday, December 15, 2019 12:31 PM CDT
Praise Him in the Strange Times
Audio File: 12-1-19PraiseHiminStrangeTimes.m4a (34.84MB)
All one has to do is turn on any news channel to realize that we are living in strange times. The strangeness is enough to make you want to put your praise on hold. Before you do that, join us as Pastor Ware shares why we should continue to praise God during these strange times
Published on Sunday, December 1, 2019 12:56 PM CDT
The Psychology of the Clay
Audio File: 11-24-19ThePsychologyoftheClay.m4a (30.10MB)
Each of us at one time or another has had someone to come and adjust our collar or pick something off of us that should not have been there. In the same way, God removes issues and faults from our lives. Join us as Pastor examins the Psychology of the Clay.
Published on Sunday, November 24, 2019 12:31 PM CDT
Shaped in the Hands of the Lord
Audio File: 11-17-19ShapedintheHandsofthe.m4a (36.36MB)
The trials of this a lot of times seem unfair. Have you ever taken a step forward only to seemingly take two steps back? Join us as Pastor Ware explains that we are just being shaped in the hands of the Lord.
Published on Sunday, November 17, 2019 12:26 PM CDT
Life will Establish, Increase, and Test Your Faith
Audio File: 10-27-19LifeWillEITYourFaith.m4a (36.52MB)
God didn't save us to leave us, abuse us, or destroy us. God saves us to use us. In order for Him to utilize us, God has to get our faith to the appropriate level. Join us as Pastor Ware shares how God employs life to establish, increase, and then to test our faith.
Published on Sunday, October 27, 2019 11:18 AM CDT
Don't Let Your Present Situation Distract You
Audio File: 10-20-19DontLetYourPresentSitua.m4a (32.67MB)
What we're going through will not last nor will it surpass the grace and power of our Lord God. We must stay faithful and have hope that Jesus will stay true to His word-- that He will never leave us nor forsake us and that he has a purpose for our lives.
Published on Sunday, October 20, 2019 12:22 PM CDT
Ain't Nobody Picking on You
Audio File: 10-6-19AintNobody.m4a (40.58MB)
Published on Sunday, October 6, 2019 12:04 PM CDT
The Barnabas Experience - Praising in Difficult Times 3/25/20
The Barnabas Experience
Tweets from our Pastor