It's Easter

Audio File: 4-21-19Easter.m4a (47.37MB)

It's Not What It Looks Like

Audio File: 3-17-19ItisNotWhatItLooksLike.m4a (43.01MB)

Too Blessed To Be Stressed

Audio File: 3-24-19TooBlessedToBeStressed.m4a (52.76MB)

Are you experiencing sleepless nights, confusion, fits of anger and frustration? Are you fighting through depression caused by never accomplishing all that you need or desire? Is anxiety a close and personal friend? Then this message is for you. Join Pastor Ware as he shares how believers in Jesus Christ are TOO BLESSED To Be Stressed.

What Do You Do In a Fiery Situation

Audio File: 2-24-19WhatDoIDoinaFierySitu.m4a (58.48MB)

What do you do in a Fiery Situation where even the rock and the hard place are on fire or melting? Do seek out friends and loved ones? Do you rely on yourself or do you trust in God to deliver you out of the furnace? Join us as Pastor Ware explains what to do in a fiery situation. 

Put Another Log on the Fire

Audio File: 2-3-9PutAnotherLogontheFire.m4a (38.48MB)

It is so very easy these days to find your motivation, your fire, being drained. Your fire is being diminished by the wet logs that have been added. Join us today as Pastor Ware shares how to identify the wet logs from the dry logs so that you can build your fire and run your race.

Decaffeinated Religion

Audio File: 1-27-19DecaffeinatedReligion.m4a (42.17MB)

Does it feel that your life is in a spiritual rut? Maybe it is because you are lacking the spiritual kick needed to move in the will of God. Listen as Pastor Ware tells us how to avoid Decaffeinated Religion.

The Way, The Truth, & The Life

Audio File: 1-20-19DoYouHaveTheRightWay.m4a (37.03MB)

Uncertainty makes any trip more difficult than it should be. When turbulence or low places occur, many Christians question whether they are going the right Way. Join Pastor Ware as he shares with us how we can have assurance in the Truth of our directions and confidence in our arrival.    

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The Barnabas Experience - Praising in Difficult Times 3/25/20

The Barnabas Experience

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